
Dreams, False Prophets, and Red Flags

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Weekly Spiritual Insights

The Secret Message Lost in Translation

The Secret Message Lost in Translation

12.22.2024 (Torah portion Miketz) -Why did Pharaoh accept an unsubstantiated interpretation of his dreams

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Dreams, False Prophets, and Red Flags

Dreams, False Prophets, and Red Flags

12.14.2024 - (Torah portion Vayeshev) - God may allow a false prophet to perform a “miraculous sign” to test us.

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Eye-Opening Debate in Jerusalem

Eye-Opening Debate in Jerusalem

12.07.2024 - (Torah portion Vayishlach) - Solomon’s advice convinced Mark to listen to an alternative perspective.

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Highlighted Articles

Why Civilizations Die and Judaism Survives

Why Civilizations Die and Judaism Survives

Rabbi Sacks explains how finding biblical subsitutes for sacrifices enabled Judaism to survive centuries of crisis.

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Answering Dr. Brown's Objections to Judaism

Answering Dr. Brown's Objections to Judaism

A clear refutation to Dr Brown's messianic arguments.

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Does the Death of the Righteous Atone?

Does the Death of the Righteous Atone?

Rabbi Moshe Shulman clarifies a misunderstood concept.

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Rabbi Kravitz Interviewed by Gavriel Sanders

Rabbi Kravitz Interviewed by Gavriel Sanders

Rabbi Kravitz speaks about the future of Jews for Judaism on the Gavriel Sanders Show

Does Judaism Believe In the Holy Spirit?

Does Judaism Believe In the Holy Spirit?

The Christian Holy Spirit and Judaism's Ruach Hakodesh are very different. Discover the true meaning of “Ruach Hakodesh.”

 The History and Mission of Jews for Judaism

The History and Mission of Jews for Judaism

Rabbi Yosef Levin interviews Jews for Judaism founder Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz.

  • Your presentations were masterpieces of drama, wit, sensitivity and, most important, exceedingly informative. Additionally, you have literally saved for the Jewish people many who otherwise would have been lost to us.

    Rabbi Eli J. Schochet

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